Lamborghini Cnossus

Cnossus Lamborghini supercar design study named after the ancient Greek city on the island Kreta.The Cnossus Cnossus Lamborghini is a work of Victor Filipchenko (along with fellow Nelson Simoes) who created the project as part of his thesis work at the Scuola Politecnica in Design in Milan, Italy to get a Master's Degree in automotive design.
The designers claim to have been inspired by the Lamborghini Countach, although it is clear that the tension force Reventon special limited production also plays a role in the design concept Cnossus. The name was chosen to honor the ancient city Cnossus (Knossus), a Bronze Age Greek ruin on the island of Crete, which its heyday back in the sport from 1600 to 1400 BC where bullfighting was born.

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