
Showing posts with the label Unbelievable

A 4x4 Off-Road(Photo Gallery)


Those Guys Travelled Down The Deepest Cave On Earth. What They Saw Will Leave You Speechless

This cave is far from any caves you have ever seen in your life! #1. The Deepest Ever Kubrera cave, also called Voronya cave, is the deepest known cave in the world. It can be found in Abakhazia, Georgia. Most adventure-seekers travel here to test the danger of its thrill. #2. 7,208 ft To be exact THIS is how deep it is. Its deepest surface is 7,208 feet, so don’t be fooled. Looks can be deceiving. #3. 27 Days In 2012, a group of explorers spent 27 days exploring the Krubrera cave. Imagine living in darkness that long. #4. Limited Light The cave is definitely not for the faintest heart; just imagine falling into the abyss of the unknown. The absence of light has only made it more challenging. #5. New Creatures To make its existence creepier, the team also discovered different species of arthropods living its life in darkness. You would never see these species in day to day life. #6. 4 Months A Year Because of its remote location, Krubrera cave is only ideal to explore for 4 months in a

Weird Things That Have Been Found Underwater

You'd think that underwater there would be only fish, and maybe an occasional old, sunken ship. Well, there are many crazy things you wouldn't expect to find, but they're there alright! Take a look. #1.Rolling in the deep. In 1985, steam locomotives from the 1850's were found at the bottom of the ocean. Somebody must have forgotten to hit the brakes. #2.Sculptures There is a sculpture park off the coast of Cancun, Mexico. It can only be seen by those willing to plunge into the Caribbean Sea.It has over 500 statues! #3. Itsy Bitsy Spiders. Yes. Some species create air pockets on their webs, so they can breathe underwater. #4.Apollo 11 An Apollo 11 engine was recently uncovered in the Atlantic Ocean after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos financed a team to search for it.

These Amazing Places Look Magical, But You Can Find Them Here On Earth

1~ Lake Hillier, "The Pink Lake," Western Australia This lake on the Recherche Archipelago is famed for its pink color. Scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how it gets its color. The popular theory is bacteria. And yes, you can swim in it. 2~ Rainbow Mountains, Gansu Province, China These mountains in the Zhangye Danxia Geological Park feature multicolored striations of sandstone collected over the period of 24 million years. Erosion sculpted the mountains into impressive peaks and spires, and revealed the colors below. 3~ Antarctica The frozen wilds of Antarctica are some of the last places on Earth not crawling with humans, and they make spectacular vistas like this possible. via:

Shocking Celebs Then Vs. Now

How have your favorite celebrities changed? Pamela Anderson Looks like she's still trying to make it across that beach. Only with a little more cellulite than before. Mel Gibson That Passion of the Christ really did a turn on this one. Johnny Depp Still the hottie he was back then, but will a little more edge.

Girl Who Had Been Frozen For 500 Years

Juanita La Doncella literally sits frozen in sleep at the High Country Archaeological Museum in Salta Argentina. Discoverers named her Juanita La Doncella or The Maiden. She was found with two other children on Argentina's Llullaillaco volcano which sits 22,100 feet high. According to the archaeologists who found the mummified remains in Argentina in 1999, the teen girl and the other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb to the cold as offerings to the gods.She's been called the "best preserved of any mummy", by National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Johan Reinhard.Scientists say that her organs are intact . This lead to the discovery that the Incas fattened the children . Before the sacrifice these children ate maize and animal proteins often only had by the elite. Also further sample testing of her hair determined not only the type of diet and left in the mountains. The Incan high priests took their victims to high mountaintops for sacrifice. The childre

American dream, with a length of 30.48 meters and weight of 10 tons.

The times when the length was the main characteristic of the American cars are gone forever, which, by the way means that the record that Jay Ohrbergholds wouldn’t break. Ohrberg holds a company which is specialized for car manufacturing for the film industry and its models are already seen in many famous films, such as Batman, Back in the future, Robocop, Ghost hunters. The most impressive limo is the American dream, with a length of 30.48 meters and weight of 10 tons. This limo is a functional vehicle that can be rent. Because of its singularity, the route must be known in advance. The owner of the Guinness record has two engines and full list of incredible things, such as poll, solarium and huge bed along with 10 other beds. The passengers may watch satellite television, surf the internet and even pour a drink from the bar!

Shark Submarine

If you liked our previously featured ⋆ Whale Submarine, you’re going to absolutely love this Seabreacher Shark Submarine. Don’t let the word submarine fool you. This water vessel has been packed with a 260 horsepower supercharged 4 ⋆ engine that allows the shark submarine to reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour under water, and a blazing 50 miles per hour while riding along the surface. In order to help the driver navigate, Seabreacher has outfitted the vehicle with a snorkel mounted camera that will transmit live video right to the LCD screens located inside the submarine. Other conveniences include a built in GPS navigation and who wants to cruise through the ocean without some music blasting from the integrated iPod stereo system? See the video of this thing in action below.[Via:]

The Walking Drowned

This is not about relaxation, this is a pure sample of an ingenious prank and and a very clever idea. The question is, does anybody from up there has the guts to jump in.

A Concept For Future Aircraft

Shabtai Hirshberg is an innovator who has done a great work in making up a design and subsequently writing a thesis over future commercial aircraft. He has intelligently considered the design, comfort, fuel saving and greener environment for the future aircraft concept. According to current predictions we will be having a 100% increase in flights by the end of 2030. Airlines are also well aware of the rising prices of fuel, and according to an estimate most of them will cut back the luxuries and increase passenger capacities since the business is becoming less profitable. The new designed Shabtai Hirshberg commercial plane fits perfect in these circumstances since it reduces the fuel cost by 30%. This newly designed aircraft can also be landed on water as well as land. The streamlined shaped body and great efficiency of features makes it a brilliant choice for future. The designer has ambitiously worked with aeronautical engineers to come up with optimized use of technology, material,

Floating Island “Project Utopia”

Do you remember luxury yacht-island that we’ve shown you some time ago? Creators of this luxury yacht Yacht Island Design Ltd. again amazed us with their new concept – Project Utopia. Project Utopia is circular in shape, measures 330 feet in diameter, and spans 11 decks of living space. “The top decks are covered with a glass canopy, which allows sunlight to filter into the interior. The glass canopy can also be opened when the weather permits, providing fresh air to the top floors. When open, the top floor acts as an outdoor pool deck , complete with central swimming area. The vessel remains stable in choppy waters, thanks to four platform legs that anchor it into place, even during extreme conditions. Each leg has a propeller that allows the island to move at slow speeds in a steady manner. Four helicopter pads provide access to the island via air, and wet docks house boats and jet skis for recreational use. The interior hosts a retail area, a theater, a restaurant area, bars, nightc

Tropical Island Paradise Yacht

 You’ve probably seen various design of luxury yachts but for sure you haven’t seen such creative one. UK based company Yacht Island Design Ltd. moved up to a new level and has combined giant-sized personal luxury yacht and tropical island. This floating paradise has its own miniature volcano, flowing waterfall, mountain stream, and valley pool flanked by a series of small bamboo huts and shelter-providing palm trees. Deployable beach deck allows acces to the sea for various watersports and sea level relaxation. "Indoor entertainment is catered for by way of a cinema, library, games room and gym, with relaxation options in the form of a multitude of lounges each offering their own unique ambiance, and a fully equipped spa." It’s true paradise, don’t you think? via:

Mobile Home “De Markies”

To continue theme of mobile homes let us show you creative mobile home called “De Markies” (The Awning). Designed by dutch designer/architect Eduard Bohtlingk it “was an entry in the “Temporary Living” competition 1985 and was conceived as a mobile home. On the road, it measures 2.00 m by 4.50 m, and once it has arrived at its destination its floorspace can be increased threefold in a matter of seconds. “De Markies” was awarded the Public Prize at the Rotterdam Design Prize 1996.” Take a look! via:

Limited Edition Espresso Veloce Coffee Machines Takes Automotive Art to Winning Lap

Espresso Veloce V12 coffee machine The cup of coffee is simply getting more grand than one can think of, and its not because of the beverage inside. Its all about the coffee machine! From the luxuries and designing examples like Elektra Chrome Espresso machine, Concordia 2500E, the Racepresso, Xelsis Digital ID machine, and $20,000 Halogen coffee machine all show that the coveted beverage has not just gained fame for its quality beans, but machine which turn up the perfect cup. For those automobile geeks, Espresso Veloce brings the V10 and V12 coffee machines, modeled after the engines with similar configuration. From the aluminum, magnesium, and titanium which are regular materials in the motor racing world, these coffee machine bring in the soul of these vehicles right into one’s cip of coffee.

Luxury Osros Floating Island

Designed by an Austrian company the Osros floating island includes six luxury double bedrooms, with space for 12 residents and four staff members. The boat is priced at £3 million. The manufacturers describe the island as an “autonomous power supply based energy system” powered by a noiseless wind energy system. The island also features over 120 m2 of solar panels. Heat recovery from the sea water is used for heating and air conditioning. The company explains: “In the beginning, my goal was to create an exclusive, high-quality hotel chain based on floating platforms. With the progress of the project it became clear that the attractive and unusual concept of Orsos Islands should not be limited to only a selected group of people. Orsos Islands should reach a much broader audience, people with an awareness of modern life and a feeling of responsibility towards the environment.” The Austrian company began construction of the prototype in Germany and Hungary. The company’s goal is to show t

Stunning “iXoost” Dock

This stunning iOS dock called iXoost is hand-built in Italy. Graceful and shiny pipes are complimented by leather trim and a base made from a solid block of aluminum. The docks are available in V8, V10 and V12 models. The V8 and V10 have the same specs: two 28mm tweeters, two 25mm midrange cone drivers, one 100mm subwoofer and one 200mm subwoofer. The top of the line V12 adds an additional tweeter, midrange driver and 100mm subwoofer. The iXoost website doesn’t list prices for the docks, but you can be sure they’re expensive. Take a look! via:


- Peerless design in a gun style - Pull the trigger to ignite - Windproof - Comes with a holding base - Makes a peculiar trinket to your house - Practical as well as collectible

F1 Batmobile Tumbler Concept: The Joker Won’t Get Away

Over the years, the Batmobile has shown up in all kinds of crazy designs. It’s amazing how geeks change things around and create all kinds of cool versions of the classic Bat car. And now it has been converted into an Formula One race car by Knightvision3D. I can only imagine how awesome the Joker’s car would look if he had an F1 racer too. It is pretty impressive and was made in 3DS Max 2013. It’s a combination of F1 design, Tumbler technology and powered by jet turbines. They even added hydraulic flaps and allowed the air collected above the cockpit to be funneled around the turbine exhaust and out under the rear diffuser. Who cares that it defies good aerodynamics? Man, if I had Bruce Wayne’s money I would so build one of these. via Obvious Winner

Sonic Wind rocket car eyes land speed record at 2000 mph

Here is great news for speed lovers, who crave to move at the speed of a bullet. A Californian man has created a rocket car, which he claims can move at a speed of almost 2000 mph. Yes, you read it right! The land rocket vehicle, christened Sonic Wind, will move at very high speeds and leave everyone wheezing. British-designed Thrust SSC holds the current land speed record that stands at 763.025 mph or 1227.986 km/h, which was set in the year 1997. The craving to cross the 1000 mph or 1609.344 km/h mark in the coming years has been shown by two teams. One is the successor of thrust named Bloodhound SSC and the other is Aussie Invader 5R. But, for Waldo Stakes, 1000 mph was not enough and he created a land rocket that can touch a whooping speed of 2000 mph or 3218.688 km/h. But, there is no stopping for Waldo. He is aiming to come up with something that will touch a top speed of more than 2000 km/h faster than the present record. This means the car will roll at a speed of approximately

Here comes the big daddy of all the shopping carts on wheels!

Going grocery shopping with the entire family is a lot of fun. However, getting everyone’s purchases from the store to the car and fitting all the shopping bags inside a single car with someone or the other disagreeing on a particular purchase is as hellish an experience as it can get. Luckily, Texas-based H-E-B AKA H-E-B Grocery Stores AKA HEB Grocery Company came up with an ingenious idea that can help larger families go shopping in well-stocked H-E-B stores together and come back with as much stuff as they could possibly fit in their home without worrying about breaking the eggs stored in the boot or leg space for passengers in the vehicle on the ride back.Of course this Texas-sized hot rod shopping cart that H-E-B had custom made for promoting their 315-store strong brand at local events and parades may not be an ideal vehicle when you’re heading out to work or picking up the kids from school, but it definitely beats the heck out of trying to cramp in a few weeks’ worth of grocerie