These Animals Look Totally Different Without Their Hair. The Bear Blew My Mind

Think of any of your beloved pets that you had throughout your life. You would probably recognize them from a mile away, in a crowd. Now, imagine your pets completely hairless.
You probably can’t. When an animal is without its fur, they’re almost completely unrecognizable. Think about getting a fluffy dog or cat wet; afterwards, it just looks like skin and bones. A lot of what we love about animals are their fur style and colorations. Without the hair (for whatever reason), they just look like little aliens.
And the results are either painfully cute… or absolutely terrifying.

1.) Rabbits: This little guy was born in 2009, almost completely hairless.

2.) Spectacled Bears: Dolores the spectacled bear, and her female companions at a zoo in Germany, all lost their hair.

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