Dark Knight Rises Batpod motorcycle

The latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" is currently in production and a series of spy photos of Anne Hathaway who is playing Cat Woman in the movie have emerged with her atop her own silver version of Batman's motorcycle, the Batpod.The Batpod first appeared in Batman "The Dark Knight" and was the creation of director Christopher Nolan and production designer Nathan Crowley.
The Batpod uses 20 inch wheels from the Tumbler (Batmans avant-garde cubism car) and is powered by the water-cooled single from a Honda CRF450R trail bike. Aside from it's crazy appearance and strange riding position (I think Catwoman would find the ride much more comfortable than Batman!) the Batpod has some very interesting design features.Firstly you may notice the bike doesn't have any exhausts, this is due to the fact that exhaust gases have been routed through the aluminium and magnesium tubular frame. Steering the Batpod is done using shoulder movement rather than with the hands which for any rider seasoned or not would take some getting used to. The suspension is all in the front of the bike (it's a hardtail!) and the riders feet sit 3 1/2 feet apart in what can only be described as stirrups...interesting view for motorists travelling behind Cat woman!

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