
Showing posts with the label Interesting

Amazing Giant Scrap Wooden Carvings Will Blow Your Mind

#1  Do you like cool art made from wood? Then check out these totally amazing giant scrap wooden carvings, wouldn’t you just love one of these for your garden? The Danish artist from Copenhagen Thomas Dambo collects and scavenges any scrap wood he can find to make the outsized sculptures of gigantic proportions which are out of this world. #2 #3 #4 In his own words: “I truly love working with scrap wood. There’s so much of it everywhere so I can pretty much build what ever I can imagine. I hope my sculptures will inspire others to recycle.” source

5 Most Amazing Pictures Online From 2015

Discover some of the most amazing pictures online that went viral in 2015. You’ll be amazed by what people have been up to this year. #1 Can You Tell Which Car Left This Behind We are guessing it was a Dodge Cherokee, what do you think? #2 Nobody Messes With My Mate This turtle seems proud to be under the crocs protection. #3 Room With A View Have you ever stayed at a hotel with a better bedroom view than this? #4 View From Above The World Compliments from NASA. source

The World's Most Flexible Woman Will Blow Your Mind

#4 Unbelievable Zlata is a contortionist from Kazakhstan, and she's probably the most flexible woman you've ever seen! #3Grabs Objects She can grab random objects with her toes, and uses them majority of the time as an extra pair of hands...but that's not even the beginning. #2Medical Mystery THIS is what her cat-scan looks like...and yes, she was able to fit into the machine while folded in half.

Places That Will Make Your Skin Crawl… #3 is SUPER Scary!

#1 – Scott’s Hut, Antarctica This place is said to be haunted by the group of Explorers who journeyed to the South Pole in 1911 to discover new territory. Instead, when they got there, they noticed that others had been there a month earlier. The group disappeared under the ice and snow. 40 years later a team from the US found the hut and when they went inside, everything was preserved as if nothing disturbed it…even those Explorers. #2 – The Cincinnati Subway System, Ohio In Cincinnati, this subway was constructed between 1920 and 1925. The city ran out of funding so the building had to cease. It has been left dark and abandoned. There’s no telling what else you will find down here. #3– Griffith Park Zoo, LA California Griffith Park in Los Angeles is not only the second largest park in California but also one of the nation’s largest parks. There is an 1863 year old curse on the land and ghosts that lurk in the dark! #4 Bhangarh Fort, India Do you believe in ghosts? What about curses? W

Global Disasters Waiting to Happen

#1. Giant Solar Flares NASA predicts a massive 2013 solar flare will fire towards the globe. We all love the sun, but this flame thrower is waiting to hurl unprecedented levels of magnetic energy at us. A major solar flare would drown the earth with high energy particles and radiation. The results of such an overexposure to cosmic energy would be lethal. Take a lesson from the bee, when you mess with magnetic energy, you’re asking for trouble. A giant solar flare could impact each of our individual brain activity. With additional natural disasters triggered, global power outages, and inevitable wide-spread panic, you may want to stock up on some 5 Hour Energy shots. This will be no time for a foggy head.                                                                via #2. Soaring Sea Levels A steady increase in the planet's temperature will result in melting huge glaciers. Sea levels will rise and result in dangerous flooding of coasts across the globe. A


Have you stayed awake at night wondering about the meaning of the universe and its existence? Well, the issue is settled. It turns out that the universe as we know it might just be a two-dimensional realm that only appears to be real. A group of Viennese scientists with very large brains came up with a mathematical equation that makes this scenario possible, and published their research in the journal, Physical Review Letters. The idea that the universe could be a hologram-like 3-D illusion onto some sort of flat, cosmic surface arises from the “holographic principle,” which states that all the data required to fully describe a region of space can be encoded in just two dimensions. These ideas were born in the 1990’s in the minds of physicists Dr. Gerard ‘t Hooft and Dr. Leonard Susskind – part of an attempt to solve the existential flaws in quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. “If you know Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, then a way to understand the holographic principle


Ghost in the Background                                            ( 3 )

These Simple Car Tricks Will Make You Love Your Whip Again

1. Yep, cars are expensive. And once you buy one, it only feels like the beginning. But don’t get a bad deal down at the store, these are the real deal car hacks that work just as well, for a fraction of the cost. Become friends with your car again! 2. Fix the cracks in your windshield with nail polish. It works and is preventative. Who’da thought? via: 1

He Finds A Weird String In His Attic Wall. When He Pulls It? This Is Incredible…(3 pics)

1 Memory Lane Rudi Schlattner returned to his childhood home. He reached out to government officials in Libouch, a village in northwest Czech Republic, where his old home has since been used as a kindergarten. 2 Home Sweet Home Rudi Schlattner and his family fled their home in Czechoslovakia. They were forced to evacuate their home due to an act of mass eviction of ethnic Germans by the Czech government. 3 Hidden Treasure Found! Within these secret shelves sat an entire collection of decades-old possessions. These were the treasures that Schlattner’s father had hidden away before they evacuated their home. via: 10

Facts About The Titanic That You've Never Heard Before. #7 Blew My Mind

#1. Only one ocean liner in history has been sunk by an iceberg: Titanic. #2. One of the most emotional moments of the Titanic film is when the band members continue playing to calm down the passengers. And this ACTUALLY happened. They played for hours after the ship hit the iceberg. #3.  The four smokestacks that have become so famous, and associated with the ship? The fourth one didn't even work! It was totally just for decoration. #4. If the iceberg had been seen only 30 seconds before it was, and the Captain was notified, the accident could have been avoided. #5. The infamous iceberg that brought the Titanic to her knees has been floating around since around 1,000 B.C. #6. More than half of the lifeboats on the ship were not filled to capacity. #7. There was a Japanese survivor who escaped the ship. But when he returned to Japan, he was shamed, and told he should have gone down with the ship.

Those Guys Travelled Down The Deepest Cave On Earth. What They Saw Will Leave You Speechless

This cave is far from any caves you have ever seen in your life! #1. The Deepest Ever Kubrera cave, also called Voronya cave, is the deepest known cave in the world. It can be found in Abakhazia, Georgia. Most adventure-seekers travel here to test the danger of its thrill. #2. 7,208 ft To be exact THIS is how deep it is. Its deepest surface is 7,208 feet, so don’t be fooled. Looks can be deceiving. #3. 27 Days In 2012, a group of explorers spent 27 days exploring the Krubrera cave. Imagine living in darkness that long. #4. Limited Light The cave is definitely not for the faintest heart; just imagine falling into the abyss of the unknown. The absence of light has only made it more challenging. #5. New Creatures To make its existence creepier, the team also discovered different species of arthropods living its life in darkness. You would never see these species in day to day life. #6. 4 Months A Year Because of its remote location, Krubrera cave is only ideal to explore for 4 months in a

Amazing Beds Your Would Definitely Want To Have


How NOT to Lose Your Guy Forever? You MUST Take Our Advice!

1 Are you up for some playful actions even if those are not really your thing?                                                              

2 Theories of What Stonehenge Is and How it Came to Be

1 Healing There are many people who see the Stonehenge site as a place of healing, even in the present day. Britain's Geoffrey Wainwright, president of the London Society of Antiquaries, and Timothy Darvill, were two such men to suggest it was once used as a type of pilgrimage site for those in need of healing. In 2008, they concluded this based on the amount of burials around Stonehenge which pointed towards evidence of trauma and deformity. "It was the magical qualities of these stones which … transformed the monument and made it a place of pilgrimage for the sick and injured of the Neolithic world,” the men said. In addition to the suggestion of Wainwright and Darvill that many of the bones and skeletons recovered were obviously ones that once belonged to people that were ill or injured, the men also pointed towards the discovery of fragments of the Stonehenge bluestone. These are known to be the first stones erected at the site and appeared as though they had been chipped


 1 Hummer Tank This is both awesome and completely ridiculous. I can’t imagine that it is practical but let’s be honest, it isn’t street legal so who cares? I do wonder if it does anything to improve this beast’s fuel economy… 2 Wooden Ferrari Back in the day, they began to make swimsuits out of wood and that idea didn’t last long. Equally surprising is that they would come up with a wooden car. Italian Livio De Marchi whitled one down and then put a boat engine in it….because, you know, why not….? -  3 VW Simmons Imagine if the whole Kiss Army went to the trouble of getting their cars decked out in such a way. Their rally might be somewhat more colourful and rowdy than the Oldsmobile club. Then again, they are probably both senior citizens by now. via: Source

These Ponds Look Photoshopped, But They Are Very, Very Real

These weird geometric lakes might look Photoshopped but they are very real. These are potash evaporation ponds, and they are located in Moab, Utah. While they might seem out of place, they do exist although, as you probably guessed, they are artificial.                                                                        via Flickr /  dsearsls The brightly colored ponds bring an unusual kind of beauty to the dusty Utah landscape but they are also useful. These are the drying ponds for the Intrepid Potash – the world’s largest producer of potassium chloride or potash. Potash is used all over the world in a variety of ways, but it is first and foremost known as one of the three most important fertilizers in the world. via Flickr /  Nelson Miner Potash is harvested from deep within in the Earth’s surface. It is extracted by injecting hot water into the reserve, where it then melts and is pumped to the surface. From there, it is funneled into these shallow ponds and allowed to evaporate,