Global Disasters Waiting to Happen

#1. Giant Solar Flares
NASA predicts a massive 2013 solar flare will fire towards the globe. We all love the sun, but this flame thrower is waiting to hurl unprecedented levels of magnetic energy at us.

A major solar flare would drown the earth with high energy particles and radiation. The results of such an overexposure to cosmic energy would be lethal. Take a lesson from the bee, when you mess with magnetic energy, you’re asking for trouble. A giant solar flare could impact each of our individual brain activity. With additional natural disasters triggered, global power outages, and inevitable wide-spread panic, you may want to stock up on some 5 Hour Energy shots. This will be no time for a foggy head.


#2. Soaring Sea Levels
A steady increase in the planet's temperature will result in melting huge glaciers. Sea levels will rise and result in dangerous flooding of coasts across the globe. And that's just with modest glacial melting.

If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to go down, the loss of coastal land would be tragic. The oceans of the world would rise to a staggering 32 feet. That's 10 feet taller than the average single story house. The next water world may be good news for future generations seeking the lost city of Atlanta. But it's definitely bad news for us

#3. Gamma-ray Bursts
During the collapse of a star, or supernova; one of the most powerful events in the universe occurs. Most often, GRBs don't come into contact with other heavenly bodies. But if the earth is unlucky enough to find itself in the path of a direct beam of Gamma-rays, mass extinction would certainly occur.

The radiation is bad enough on its own. But space has no mercy. Aside from drowning in a sea of toxic energy, the Gamma-ray burst would dissolve our atmosphere and leave us unprotected from the sun's harmful rays. They don't make enough SPF sunscreen for that.

#4.The Next Ice Age
The next big ice age could leave humanity in the same situation as the dinosaurs. They're dead, in case you forgot. There is evidence that a global freeze has taken over the globe at least four times.

Jupiter and Saturn tug at Earth's orbit periodically, which reduces the amount of sunlight we can absorb. When it rains, it pours, or snows in this case. The ice that will form over the earth due to plummeting temperatures will reflect the little sunlight we'll be getting. And since fossil fuels will be exhausted in about 300 years, humanity will need a new game plan if we intend to stay warm.

Civilization will need to advance enough to grow food and create energy without the use of fossil fuels. Considering the amount of people complaining about energy efficient light bulbs, the odds of that happening don't look so good.


#5.Tornadoes Across the Globe
A 2.5 mile wide tornado rammed through Hallam Nebraska in 2004. Could a similar twister be waiting to touch down? There is no telling exactly when and where the next super tornado will hit, but it is reasonable to assume that we will experience another disaster of this sort fairly soon.

The United States is not the only nation to face these killing machines.  Antarctica has been the only continent on earth to be immune from tornadoes. Scientists have systems of detecting tornadoes, but the last minute warnings can only do so much. And since there is no way to control this disastrous act of nature, we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope we don't have a repeat of 2004.

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