
Life Hacks And Useful Tips That Would Make Your Life Heaven (Photo Gallery)

Human creativity never ceases to amaze me! Here we have yet some more useful tips to take advantage of. #1 Bread tab. How come I never thought of this?! via #2 Shoe cupholdler. Well, there may be a thing about hygiene here... via #3 Pool noodles all year long. Great idea! via #4 Better on the soft side. Of bread. via #5 Packing. A suitcase is much better for books than a box! via #6 Chapsticks. I like this one! via source

Man spent 9 years being trapped on the island is now rescued because of Google Earth!

If you have ever watched the movie, Cast Away, you would know that how Tom Hank spent long time on a deserted island. Here is a similar story about Adam Jones, who spent almost 9 years being trapped on a deserted island, but with the help of Google Earth, he was rescued recently! Here is how he spent 9 years there! The Voyage Adam Jones set off for a journey in 2006, along with his 2 friends, starting from Liverpool, their home, to Hawaii. In between they had to cross Atlantic Ocean and the Panama Canal. As they reached in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a monstrous storm struck their boat violently, and damaged it along with their electronic equipment. His friends went overboard while Adam was knocked by the storm unconscious for about 17 days, and he kept drifting in the ocean. Surviving the days in the beginning! Adam spent 2 weeks on his boat but he built on his own the water trapping contrivance on it, and this way he saved a lot of water whenever it rained. At first he built a m

Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348

1. While many people around the world are looking for a more sustainable form of building houses, there is a way that has been around for centuries that we can still use today! Take this gorgeous log cabin for example, this log home would be the perfect home for the whole family. The wonderful thing about log homes is that they have so many benefits over conventional dry wall homes. 2. Log homes and cabins are very sustainable, as they are made from renewable materials that come from the Earth. Most of the logs used to build these log homes and cabins come from sustainable tree plantations, where the trees are used for their wood, and then more are planted in their place to grow into more trees for more logs. This is a better way of going about this process, rather than just chopping down any tree, so that we can keep the ancient growth forests alive, with their habitats thriving. 3. Amish Cabin Company, is a log cabin kit building company that provides log cabin kits. The company work

Having a bad day? These hilarious fails will cheer you up

Being a celebrity is not easy. They always need to look glamorous. But more often than not, it’s the Photoshop that helps them hiding their flaws. These 5 photo shopped images will tell you the real truth behind the glamorous industry. 1.  Toilet fail via  pleated-jeans 2.  Wrong! via  hadonejob 3.  If you need some horsepower, the drink this. via  9gag 4.  You had one job! via  reddit 5.  Another gas station disaster source

These Incredible Hobbit Homes Bring Tiny House Living To The Next Level

#1 Green Magic Homes A company in Florida, called Green Magic Homes, can bring your Hobbit living fantasy to live. via #2 Pre-Fab Pods These homes are pre-fab and eco friendly, made to reside under grass and soil. Green Magic Homes #3 Inside These pods are not only cute on the outside, but the inside is charming. They are also weather resistant, 100% non-toxic, non-corrosive, fire resistant, and emit no carbon. via #4 100 square Meters The10 square meter Hobbit holes are take 10 days to make and can survive harsh elements, and even an earthquake. via #5 Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Made from fiber-reinforced polymer, they are protected from sun and water. via #6 Choice Of Sizes You can choose from a studio all the way up to a 3 bedroom, and some have garages and wedding gazebos. via #7 Fruit And Vegetable Farms Some get really creative, doubl

Guy Builds Epic $17 Million Dollar Bunker Which Can Withstand 20-Kiloton Explosion

#1 $17 Million Dollar Bunker This bunker occupies 4200 square feet in the beautiful Montezuma County, located in Colorado. From the outside it looks like any other house, albeit the massive tower behind it. via #2 Inside The interior is cozy and normal looking as well. via #3 Metal Vents Normal ends when you notice that the ceiling has metal vents that work to prevent contamination if a nuclear attack were to occur. via #4 Steel Walls And, even Superman might have trouble breaking into this house, since it's walls are made of steel. via #5 Power Systems The house has four separate power systems, in the event of an attack that leaves us powerless in every way. via #6 Water In a nuclear attack, or any other apocalypse on earth, the water would become contaminated. The house is prepared for that with a seven stage water filtration system. via  http://www.epicmoo

5 Hilarious Photos Taken At The Perfect Moment

Let's face it: we're a generation obsessed with documenting our lives through photos on social media platforms. This may have turned us all into narcissistic self-obsessed sociopaths, but on the bright side, we now collectively snap so many photos that we often capture amazing moments that could have easily been missed in the pre-smartphone camera era. Whether it's an inadvertent illusion caused by an unfortunate angle or an intentional and deviously planned photo made to look dirty, the following 16 photographers were blessed with photos so perfectly strange, they will leave you staring in awe. These pictures just go to show you that a little difference in perspective can change everything! 1. They wondered why the photographer chose to take the photo from such a low angle.  via  reddit /  thejohnblog 2. This is a new dog breed that is totally legless and can hover.  via  reddit /  1Voice1Life 3. It's hard to say where the llama ends and the woman begins. via  reddit /