A diverse cast of models shows how the standard of beauty for women has changed dramatically over time. Ancient Egypt (c. 1292 - 1069 B.C.) Art from this era of ancient Egypt tells us that long, braided hair was an important aspect of female beauty. Braids framed a symmetrical face, and women wore thick black kohl around their eyes. Women are shown as slender, with high waists and slim shoulders. Ancient Greece (c. 500 - 300 B.C.) Called "deformed male bodies" by Aristotle, women in Ancient Greece were plump with full figures. Han Dynasty (c. 206 B.C. - 220 A.D.) Women were expected to have pale skin, long black hair, red lips, white teeth, and a graceful walk with small feet. Small feet were an aspect of Chinese beauty that would continue for hundreds of years. Italian Renaissance (c. 1400 - 1700) In the Renaissance, Italian, an extremely Catholic society, woman were expected to embody virtue. Their bodies were full figured rounded hips, pale skin, high forehe...