
Showing posts with the label Quad bike

Life Hacks And Useful Tips That Would Make Your Life Heaven (Photo Gallery)

Human creativity never ceases to amaze me! Here we have yet some more useful tips to take advantage of. #1 Bread tab. How come I never thought of this?! via #2 Shoe cupholdler. Well, there may be a thing about hygiene here... via #3 Pool noodles all year long. Great idea! via #4 Better on the soft side. Of bread. via #5 Packing. A suitcase is much better for books than a box! via #6 Chapsticks. I like this one! via source

I’m sure men are marrying them because of their personality…!( Photo Gallery )


Wazuma V8

The world’s most expensive quad bike features a 3.0-liter V8 Ferrari engine that develops no less than 250 HP. The sequential 6-speed gearbox is controlled easily, directly from the BMW M3 handlebars.