
Showing posts with the label Funny

10 Pics That Will Make You Laugh


People Tried To Lie On The Internet And Were Caught Red-Handed

It's really almost impossible to lie when everyone has access to the internet and can find out pretty much anything. 1.Photoshop Mess Unless you're an expert at Photoshop, don't even attempt this ridiculouslie 2.That's Not Yoou Using pics off the internet just doesn't work when there's reverse image search available to call you out

This Is Why Ex-Girlfriend Text Fails Are The Best

Creativity Counts A song always drives the message home.

It's So Cold In Canada, This Can Actually Happen If Your Hair Gets Вет

You know how your mother used to tell you to never go to sleep with wet hair when it's cold out? Well, these people are taking their defiance to a new level. In Canada's Takhini Hot Springs, a few adventurers decided to take a dip despite the -30 degree temperatures. What happened to their hair is something absolutely ridiculous that should have all mothers of the world worried for their health. sourse

College Fails



Being Dropped

Meet the Russian ‘Muscle Barbie’

Julia Vins is now an eighteen year old woman. You might suggest she has been blessed in some regard with her angelic, porcelain doll-type facial features. The innocent-looking young lady has big wide pretty eyes that can’t be ignored, and a cute pair of lips that any guy would want to kiss. However, at odds with the regular paradigm of beauty is that Julia also has triceps that are probably bigger than yours. She now has thousands of fans in her home country of Russia due to her unique combination of doll-face prettiness and a muscular physique that most guys would be happy to have. She regularly post pictures of herself topless and holds three world powerlifting records….. Julia Vins is not your average cute little eighteen year old. So what about it? If you are generally attracted to females, would you be keen to spend time with a girl who had a pretty face, but also a pretty intimidating set of biceps? Julia reckons her appearance mostly divides the opposite sex. “People know me as

This is What Selfies Were Made For

Any guy would love to have this view ... for real.

Caught At The Beach

Pyramid While one person is taking a picture of the pyramid from the front, this guy thinks he's got the better angle. ( beautiful photos )


Mind Body Illusion Look closely to see if you can tell what is going on

Worst Facebook Picture Fails Ever

There are normal Facebook fails, and then there are these.. the WORST. Double Fail Not only does this girl not want her guy implying that they are "more than friends." She ALSO has a bong in the picture!

Embarrassing Make-Out Fails!

#1 White Girl He said he liked white girls but come on!!. #2 The Vomit-Bomb Photobombing a couple who is making out with their drunk AF friend on his lap is pretty much the best thing you can ever do.