
Showing posts with the label Ferrari

If you think you’ve seen the worst fashion fails, feast your eyes on these 6 Worst Dressed Fails (Photo Gallery)

You Wear It Well, Daddy-o! Project Runway has nothing on these dapper gents! Put yer eye on some of the worst men’s fashion disasters of all time! Funny thing is, these horribly dressed guys actually wore these clothes in public!  Forget the Best Dressed lists!  I’m loving the Worst Dressed!  These Male Fashionistas got it going on big time! The Day Nike Sales Plummeted… That poor dog… That poor, poor dog… I’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve but this is ridiculous! What do you do with that old couch from the 1070’s? In this issue of GQ:  The Best Dressed Russian Mafiosos… At least he’s mixing it up a little bit. source

Two Boys Were Digging In The Yard When They Uncovered THIS. But That’s Only Half The Story. -...

What’s the most incredible or unusual thing you might find in your backyard? Say you pick up a metal detector and find an old coin, or perhaps comes across an arrowhead. That’s all well and good, but nothing even comes close to what two California boys found in 1978. Because these kids found a Ferrari ! This is the front yard in a Los Angeles neighborhood where the vehicular treasure was discovered in early February of 1978. A new family had just moved into the house when their two boys struck gold. The family called the authorities, and an excavation began. It turned out that the car was actually an insanely valuable 1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS. The car had been poorly mummified with towels and cloths. It was obvious that someone wanted to come back for it. But who? And why did they bury it? After an investigation by the police, the nefarious reason as to why it was down there was discovered. The previous owners hired criminals to drive the car into the ocean so they could claim the ins