
Showing posts with the label Animals

Do you what is this ??

The hercules beetle is one of the most famous and largest of the rhinoceros beetles. You can find it deep in the rainforests of South and Central America. It’s so strong and it can lift up to 8kg, and it can reach an unbelievable 17 cm, which is 6.75 inches in length.

Goliath Tigerfish

The goliath tigerfish is one of the most fearsome freshwater fish in the world and said to be a much bigger and deadlier version of the piranha. A native of the Congo River basin, the Lualaba River, Lake Upemba and Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Growing up to 5 feet and length and weighing in at over 150 pounds. The giant fish has 32 teeth that are of similar size to those of a great white shark and has been known to attack humans and even crocodiles.

The Most scariest mouth in the world

What you see in the following pictures, it is not an animal predator, but it is a type of sea turtles. If you look to it when it closes its mouth, you will not believe what you will see inside its mouth. Inside mouth of this turtle there is a hundreds of teeth, making its mouth the scariest one in the world. This type of Turtle is the third largest living reptiles in the world, and in spite of their large size, they are very meek ​​creature and it is easy to tame. You might wonder why you need now is the turtle ice for such a mouth, and the short answer  That the mouth is used to install the food to be good chew, and thus these teeth help the turtle on the  absorption of food safely.


1. KOMODO DRAGON An extremely famous predator, the Komodo Dragon is a species of monitor lizard indigenous to the Southern Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Padar and Gili Motang. Unique among the lizards in its large size, as well as its taste for a good pack hunt, the Komodo dragon is a formidable predator indeed. Possessing a slightly venomous bite used to slow its prey, not to mention a habit of devouring an entire carcass over a relatively short period of time, Komodo Dragons have been causing havoc upon other creatures in their native habitat for millennia. 2. BLUE RINGED OCTOPUS A return to the warm inviting waters of the Indo-Pacific see’s us examine today’s top-spot creature, the Blue Ringed Octopus. Though small in size and seemingly attractive (what with its bright blue rings…), this creature packs enough punch to wipe out between 20 and 30 people IN ONE GO. With a sharp beak capable of piercing a wetsuit, the venom possessed by the Blue Ringed Octopus acts to com

The Biggest Fish Ever : Giant Oarfish found in Southern California

A MARINE science instructor snorkelling off California couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the silvery ca*rass of a 5-metre-long, serpent-like oarfish.

Tampa Bay Beach Sea Monster

The creature is a sculpture by artist, Juan Cabana. 

Mysterious 30 foot long rotting 'sea monster' with huge teeth found washed up on the beach !

The 30-foot long carcass of the mysterious sea creature is seen almost buried under the sand on the New Zealand beach in the Bay of Plenty. Only its head and what appear to be flippers are visible.

A Snake With A Single Clawed Foot Has Been Discovered In China

While teenage mutant ninja turtles may be entertaining to imagine, real life mutant reptiles are less amusing to some. No? What about real life snakes with half developed limbs? Someone who can attest to this first hand is Dean Qiongxiu, of Southwest China, who discovered a snake with a claw extremity crawling along the wall of her home. The sight was so unexpectedly disturbing that upon seeing the snake she immediately began to pummel it with her shoe, thus destroying any hopes it may have had of a crime fighting career. The antagonist was discovered as being 16 inches long and the width of a little finger.

OMG: Biggest crocodile in the world 2013

He was an Indo-Pacific or saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) measured at 20 ft 3 in (6.17 m), and weighed 2,370 lbs (1,075 kg), making him one of the largest crocodiles ever measured from snout-to-tail.

OMG: A python has eaten a sheep

If anacondas are the heaviest snakes, what are the longest? Reticulated pythons from Southeast Asia take that trophy, uncontested. The longest recorded “retic” is about 33 feet—yes, that’s five or six people laid end to end. Burmese pythons and African rock pythons can exceed lengths of 20 feet and are also quite formidable predators. These python species along with a few others star in the smorgasbord of online images of snakes eating large prey items.

Can you See it? There are Bodies Within these Paintings!

Artist Craig Tracy transforms bodies into animals, inanimate objects, and statues using body paint. The image above isn't merely an amazing painting of a tiger, it's a painting of a tiger that's been painted on three bodies, not just one. Each eye is painted on the backs of two people separately, and the woman in the middle has her arms draped over them.